Doggy Day Care
Always checking your watch to see how long your dog has been alone? Dogs are highly social; and they love being with other animals. When left alone, some get bored and even anxious, which can lead to gnawing on the furniture, accidents in the house, chewing your favorite shoes and other not-so-fun activities.
Let us eliminate the worry and give you peace of mind, with some of the best dog day care services Salem has to offer.
Our spacious indoor playrooms, and outdoor fenced/graveled play areas allow them the freedom to interact with other furry family members and loving employees so they can become familiar with how to behave in new and busy environments (Play time schedule listed below).
Some daycares operate by letting smaller groups play together of maybe 4-8 dogs. While this method keeps the daycare less busy, it often means your dog is rotating and sharing their play time with other groups of dogs. At Biscuits and Bubbles we work with furry family members to get them comfortable playing in larger groups of 10-15 dogs (supervised by 2 attendants at all play times). This allows our dogs to have a lot more play time throughout their day, and a lot less time in a crate compared to some of our competitors. When dogs play together in groups there is always a chance of altercation/injury, and our highly trained attendants are constantly working with the dogs to keep them at safe levels of play.
As a new customer your first day is free so we can begin the process of seeing how your dog interacts with others, and also for you to see how tired your furry family member will be at the end of the day when you pick them up!
What is the cost of Doggy Daycare?
- $24 Per Day.
Pay for 10 days in advance to receive 11th free. Days do not have to be used consecutively. $240 for the package. Rates are reduced for owners with more than one furry family member.
How long will my dog get to play in Doggy Daycare?
For dogs who enjoy socialization and play time with other daycare guests, a normal days schedule is to play from 8am until 11:30ish-12pm. After a long morning of romping with a group of friends and our loving day care attendants your furry family member will be ready for nap time in one of our spacious kennels! From 11:00ish until 2:30pm your fur baby will be able to sleep and recharge in their own individual kennel in preparation for another afternoon play session from 2-2:30pm to 4pm. Even on our busiest days your dog will have a minimum of 5 HOURS of play time, but will get as much as 6-7 on a less busy day. Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions about play time!
What if my dog does not socialize well with other dogs/humans?
We are happy to work with your furry family member even if they need some help with socialization skills. Give us a few days of time to spend with your furry family member and we can usually create a very visible difference for their temperament towards other dogs and humans. Our goal is to get your furry family member participating in group play, and being comfortable in a busy environment with dogs or humans. If need be a training plan can be specifically created for your furry family member and discussed with you in person after we are able to have an evaluation day with your furry family member.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!
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