You Dirty Dog
Posted on July 19, 2010 by biscuits_admin No comments

By Nona Nelson
Today’s Happy Wag column is about dirty dogs.
The stories have happy endings because all the dogs come clean.
But I’m betting they didn’t stay that way for long. Dogs are like little kids. They love to play in the dirt.
While I am very much a fan of personal hygiene, it’s always good to remember how much fun it is to really earn a bath.
The staff and patrons at Biscuits & Bubbles could not have been nicer to me and photojournalist Jeanna Duerscherl. The dogs may not have been too happy about having all the grime washed out of their coats, but they were all good sports.
Still haven’t decided if we would have more success bathing Stormy at a proper doggy bathtub than we do in the backyard. Taking him to a groomer isn’t practical because he’s a pit bull mix and many shops won’t handle his breed.
Besides, he’s such a pain I’d never subject anyone else to his grumpiness at bath time.
If you are a do-it-yourself kind of mutt washer, where do you do the deed? Sink, bathtub or backyard?
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